March 19, Wednesday,

we had a great celebration Saturday, thank you. We opened cards tonight and were very teary eyed as we read them. Thank you. We also had many kind words and hugs and handshakes Saturday, Sunday….Angela and I want to just say we had a great 30 years developing the business, helping the community grow with good people and making many great friends.

we both look forward to volunteering in the community both summer and winter and seeing our community grow… will see us around next year when the Foundation is running the ski area!

Saturday 8:30 Pm

What a great Celebration the Foundation put on this afternoon! I was so impressed with the turnout of 186 people. …without skiable snow. Thank you.

Sunday is our last day of being open, we are open for snowshoeing on the ski trails, it is too icy for skiing. The ski shop will be open one last day 9-3 for discounted season passes and 20-40% off all items.


a few diehard skiers coming in reporting very tricky conditions. Skiing is only for the very skilled with young bones today and tommorow. We are suggesting snowshoeing on the ski trail today and tommorow and we have free loaner snow shoes available.

the Celebration is on but the games are cancelled. Silent Auction starts at 2 and.

Saturday 7 AM

The overnight lows in the 50 took a toll on the thin base left. There are thin and bare areas, icy area, and some slush and water. Are the trails skiable, with the right attitude and skill level they are. but barely. We are allowing snowshoeing on the ski trails today. Puumala and Ridge Runner are closed.

See you later today for the Celebration.