ABR’s Preseason Sale is Saturday, November 14th from 10 am to 3 pm.
20% off new clothing and accessories!
30-50% off CLEARANCE clothing, accessories, skis and boots!
Clothing and accessory brands include Auclair, BeFast, Bjorn Daehlie, Craft, Fast Wax, Fischer, Hidden Bay, Lil Sport, Madshus, Sporthill, Salomon, Swix, Toko, Ulvang and Wigwam.
We have a good selection of new Fischer skin and waxless skis as well as a variety of waxable and skate skis.
Masks are required! Please use our hand sanitizer upon entry.
Enter the FRONT door for clothing and accessories and the SIDE rental door for skis, boots, bindings and poles. Limit 3 shoppers per room.