a few diehard skiers coming in reporting very tricky conditions. Skiing is only for the very skilled with young bones today and tommorow. We are suggesting snowshoeing on the ski trail today and tommorow and we have free loaner snow shoes available.
the Celebration is on but the games are cancelled. Silent Auction starts at 2 and.
The overnight lows in the 50 took a toll on the thin base left. There are thin and bare areas, icy area, and some slush and water. Are the trails skiable, with the right attitude and skill level they are. but barely. We are allowing snowshoeing on the ski trails today. Puumala and Ridge Runner are closed.
We will be in the PistenBully Barn for the party with outside options if the rain holds off. Come join us for a fun day! We will update on game status in the morning.
2:00 Silent Auction Starts
3:00 Party Starts
3:30/4:00 Food
5:00 Silent Auction Ends
Trails were skiable as of 5 pm, we do not plan on grooming in the morning but given the temps, classic skiing should be ok picking the right route and expecting late season conditions. We are open until Sunday at 4 pm. hope to see you tomorrow!
coming in from checking the close trails…good news looks like we can run the Pisten Bullies in the morning. We are dodging some wet areas with detours and reroutes and hill bypasses….but we Pisten Bully groomed 38 km this morning of combination trails and had some great spring skiing.
we plan to head out in the early morning and groom again. Temps are not going below freezing but the snow mass makes the transformed snow groomable. It is a myth that you can not groom if the temp is above 32!
I will report in at 9 am or earlier with conditions for tommorow.
Saturday… I will work on a plan with the grooming crew to pull the rabbit out of the hat for skiing. The Cheers to 30 years celebration will happen Saturday …we are setting up in both groomer barns as a contingency plan if it rains
. Picture of coyote canyon…I mean the Highlands at 3:30 pm today