Getting ready for the 7th Annual Taste of the Trails …see post below. The trails are skiing quite well and the new 18 inches of snow has been well groomed. It is is snowing lightly and we expect a few new inches to groom in the AM
Taste of the Trails
7th Annual Event
March 3rd, 2012 Saturday from 11 AM to 2 PM
Ski along the ABR Ski Trails and sample our local cuisine and specialties of our local restaurants. 8 Restaurants will have tables set up from the trailhead along a designated easy route out on the River Trail to the warm up shack. You can ski or snowshoe on the River Trail to the food booths. It is a 1 mile round trip route. There is no special cost for the event, just buy a trail pass and pay the food costs at each booth. Typically $2-$4
1. The Kimball Inn– Chicken Marsala, Silcian Beef, Korean spicy Chili, Asparagus Bisque
At the Trail Head Sun Deck
2. Suffolk Ole Ale House – Porketta Sandwiches
Along the field
3. Brewesters Northwoods Bar and Grill– Italian Beef
At the end of the field
4. Breakwater Café– Swedish Meatballs and Mashed Potatoes, Hot Chocolate …..At the Balsam Cabin exit along the River Trail
SKI (or snowshoe) Down the RIVER TRAIL to the ½ kilometer WARM UP SHACK….gradual downhill
5. Iron Nugget – Gnocchi in a garlic sauce with fresh bread and wines.
Warm up shack
6. Don and GG’s- Spicy Chipolate BBQ pulled chicken sandwich and chili, Home made Sweet potato chips, (and dessert?)
Warm up shack
7. Maplewood Steak House– Hot Wings, Ribs and Things
Warm up Shack
8. Harry’s Southern Barbaque- Pulled Pork Sanwiches and Warm Peach Cobler
Warm up Shack
WWW.ABRSKI.COM (906)-932-3502 Email [email protected]
Wednesday evening
Winter Wonderland….but groomed conditions during the day today. We picked up 1-2 feet of new snow and we had up to 6 groomers throughout the entire day. It looks like the trails are going to be perfect for the ABR Spring Race and Party March 17th. Don’t miss Taste of Trails this weekend Saturday 11-2.
Wednesday noon
The snow started back up at 6 AM and we received a foot of snow since then. We have 40 km of trails tracked and groomed as of noon.
New Snow
Wed 6 aM , 3 inches of snow fell so far and the snow has let up. All of the groomers are out.