
The skiing today was perfect. Then this afternoon the lake effect snow turned on and it we picked up an inch of snow so far. The groomers are headed out in a few hours and it looks like a nice weekend of skiing.


Angela reported some of the best conditions of the season today. She was on the classic trails. Skaters reported silky smooth , soft  but firm skate lanes as well. Mild temps and some sunshine made for a nice day. Still plenty of snow in the woods.

Clydesdales new skate division

The new 1 inch of snow was welcome today and will be groomed into the base in the early AM. We had a great ski with the Clydesdales tonight. The snow was fast but silky smooth for 25 Cldesdales. The new skate division had 8 try out skating tonight assisited by the  Lead Team Gogebic Coach.

Happy Birthday Eric

Eric celebrated his 50th Birthday yesterday…maybe that’s why there is no Monday Posting!

We have been working on a promotional video for ABR with Dobson Entertainment the past 2 days. They also put the finishing touches on the Advanced Grooming DVD which should be available in 2 weeks.