We received another 8-10 inches of snow today. The groomers were out this morning and then again during the day. Wide Track is out setting track on the single track tonight so you know what that means….it will snow another 3-4 inches tonight and we will have to regroom in the AM. The grooming Clinic Expo is Wednesday from 10-3 PM and will be on the dog trails across the road.
ABR Grooming Clinic Jan 18-19th
January 18th is the free expo day from 10-3. Come and test the latest grooming machines and talk with the reps. The demonstration area will be on the dog trails at ABR across the road from the main trailhead. Coffee and rolls compliments of UP Fabrication.
January 19th from 9-12 is an indoor training session at ABR. The cost is $80/ person.
ABR Grooming Clinic Details and Registration Form
Sisu Ski Fest Race Results
The SISU Ski Fest went off well this morning. The Results are linked in at http://www.itiming.com/html/raceresults.php?year=2012&EventId=815&eventype=0
Saturday AM
The last 1 1/2 feet of snow has been groomed many times and the trail is firm and race ready. The Pisten Bully is on its way into town grooming the last 10 km of the SISU course now.
The SISU will be going on the ABR Trails from 9-noon and then all of the trails will be open from 9-noon 25 km of stride only trails open and 3 k of skate trails.
Thursday 10 PM
Snowfall in the last 24 hours has been about 1 foot…and in a nice steady fall so the groomers can keep up. We groomed with all 7 groomers today starting at 5 AM. The last groomer is just coming off the SISU Trail now at 9 PM. We are grooming 75 k including the SISU course and the trails are all looking super.