1 inch of new snow overnight and all 60 + km groomed last night and this morning. Skiing should be perfect today!
Friday 9:30 PM
I am just coming in from grooming with the Pisten Bully tonight and the trails are looking nice, full depth tracks and crisp cordoroy. We are able to bring up dry powder with the blade and powertiller. Temps were warm again today but the snow surface is staying nice. We have had a significant amout of snow; we are at 51 inches for this year compared to 69 inches last year.
The morning groomer shift will be back out early resetting classic and completing the skate lanes.
Thursday PM
Wed PM
Just coming in from our groomers appreciation dinner. The trails will be regroomed in the early AM and skiing has been super!
Tuesday PM
The trails were perfect today after the regrooming. We will be grooming the Dog Trails in the AM and leaving the other 60 + km alone for the AM .