Grooming Clinic is Jan 18-19

Free Grooming Expo and Show Day 1 no cost

The format again for the clinic will be day 1 is a free expo and show. Vendors will be present with equipment to view and demo on day 1. The Race barn will be available for coffee and rolls sponsored by UP Fabrication and will have display space for brochures and vendor information. The parking lot across the road from the trail head will be for parking and will have all of the equipment displays and demonstrations. The ski trails across the road will be available for testing equipment. This day will be a great way to just show up from 10- 3 and check out the grooming equipment and visit with the reps.  There may be a concession area on site for lunch.

Fee Grooming Clinic and Seminar Day 2 cost $80/person

Day 2 will be here in the VIP Room at ABR. This morning from 9-12 will include all indoor lectures, discussions and forums. The price includes rolls and coffee.  Discussions topics are listed below.

The Pisten Bully wakes up

The snow added up to about a foot of snow today and last night….that is on top of the 1/2 foot from yesterday. That’s what we are used to measuring snow in “feet”. The groomers were out for a long shift this morning including the Pisten Bully. They will be back out tonight and in the morning. About 20 km was powertilled, most of it twice, and about 40 km of tracks set 2-3 times this morning.

New Snow

The skiers had nice skiing today, lots of recreational and racers out enjoying the new 4-6 inches today. 60 + km groomed this morning and it continues to snow!