Thursday 7:30 AM

All of the groomers are out and the new 1 inch of snow is grooming up well, We are setting new tracks and renovating skate lanes.  We ar eon track for all 55 k regroomed by 9 AM

Wed 7:30 PM

Just coming in from checking trails to make a plan for the early AM grooming. The trails are holding snow very well. 55 k are being skied. Still 2-3 icy hills on the 37 km of skate /classic trails and a few thin areas of track on the 18 km of classic only under the pines and a few a areas of debris where the groomers are going too deep. Overall rating is very good  and is as good as can be found this time.  Classic tracks may be reset in the AM depending on snow and temps. We are putting forth 100% efforts in shoveling thin areas and grooming. We have all 6 groomers coming in again in the AM and the trails should be in tip top shape in the AM ….I see 1 inch of snow forecast for tonight!

Tuesday PM

Grooming turned the hard pack from yesterday into a nice skiable surface. We reset 50 k of classic tracks and groomed 37 k of skating. It took 6 groomers 4 hours to handle the task but the skiers were happy. The base is deep enough to renovate and reset clssic tracks with the exception of a few areas under the pines where the groomers brought up some debris. We will be back out in the early AM regrooming.

Dec 26

The new snow groomed up well. We groomed 62 km this morning and retracked 45 km. Skiing was very good depsite the warmer temps. Towards 4 PM the trail did ice up in parts. We will be back out in the AM regrooming.