The light rain and strong NW winds started about 4:30 PM and temps are dropping, we are at 35 F. I don’t want to get over excited but strong NW winds means LES (lake effect snow) . Groomers are on call for Sunday. I will update later tonight or in the AM .
Saturday AM
We are getting a light rain this morning, which is forecast to turn to snow this afternoon, no skiing today. The Ski Shop is open with the Sale going on.
Friday night
We were open again today and had skiers who wanted to get off the roller skis happy. Skiers did have to hike to the end of the field to get on snow in the woods. There were stretches of trail put together where the skiers could stay on snow. Not we are used to but it was better than the alternatives. Not sure what to expect Saturday but we will be open for skiing if conditions permit. This is the last Saturday for the ABR Ski Shop Sale 9-4. Snow coming Saturday night!?
The ski trails are open for the hard core who want to train on a thin base with a patch of skiable snow here and there. We discourage the recreational skiers from skiing. There are many bare spots. The overnight warm temps and sun of yesterday took a toll on the base. Ski Trails open on a very limited basis Friday for rock skiing, SKI SHOP open Friday and Saturday.
Happy Thanksgiving
4 PM Thursday, Happy Thanksgiving! We had skiers today and reports were it is skiable. However I am not sure how skiable it will be after tonight. We plan to head out in the AM on foot and skis to shovel in some of the thin areas to put together a 5-7 km loop. This should give you an idea on the condition. We plan to be open until the snow is not skiable. If we wake up in the AM and the snow is all gone I will report back.