New snow

Terra Track It is snowing this AM and the trails groomed up well last night and this morning. We tested the new Terra Trac Ranger yesterday

Really nice skiing today

Angela gave her report tonight , the cordoroy was perfect today including Peltonen Pass out , she was skating at 4 PM. We groomed most of the trails today including all of the classic only. I Am just coming from grooming about 15 km of skate/classic trail with the Pisten Bully ….that mean it will snow in the AM !

Light snow

I had a super ski with the dozen Clydedales tonight. Fast but controllable conditions made us feel like Thoroughbreds. We powertilled about 15 km this morning and reset another 20 km of single track. It is lightly snowing and we will be back out in the AM regrooming as usual.

No new snow

I knew I should not have complained last week when it snowed every day for 10 days straight. We have been grooming daily. Our plan for the morning is to reset classic only again and powertill about another 15-20 km of skate /classic trails. Make sure you check a trail report beofre heading out to ski. The trails are holding up fine, we have about an 9-12 inch base.