Conditions again today! We groomed 35 k of skating and reset about 30 km of tracks after the inch of new snow last night. Firm but soft enough for control surfaces and sun shine with 20 F! It does not get better.
Super skiing today
Today was the probably the best day of the season for skiing. We had an inch of snow overnight and regroomed all 60 km including fresh classic tracks. The snow was silky smooth with a firm base.
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Hilltop is Open
The Hilltop is open for this weekend at midweek rates, we had a cancellation. Ski Trails are in tip top shape and we reset about 20 km of tracks today and regroomed 35 km of skate lanes.
Trails are firmed up after the storm
The trails are skiing well now that the snow stopped for 12 hours. We picked up a dusting an inch or so, today and the grooming has firmed up the trail nicely. We are grooming all 60 km.