We received a nice dump of snow overnight and it is 15 F. The snow continues. We are readed back out to groom tohis morning, it looks like we may be open for Wed or Thursday!
Snow again today

I have never been so happy to see 1.6 inches of snow. It is a perfect base building snow with the ground frozen. We were out today working on the trails and the new snow was packing well.
The Forecast is very promising, we are ready to open but need just a bit more snow. Thursday is possible…stay in tune
Clydesdales night
This event is for big guys 200 # and up (or you must carry ballast). We meet at 5 PM starting Januaury 20th , every Wednesday night. We classic ski in several groups various distances. Equipment and trail passes are provided. We are known to have a pop or beer and a snack in the chalet afterwards and sometimes the sauna is hot too.
Spring Party
The Spring PArty was moved to last Sunday, March 20th
Spring Race
Sunday March 20th.
A fun race of 20 km, special handicap start at 9-10 AM $20 entry fee, great prizes!