It’s looking like winter again!

We have been getting a dense base building snow off and on today and it continues to snow as I type. We plan to groom in the morning and let it freeze  Thursday, opening the trails Friday. This is the plan, it could change based on weather. I am not sure how many km will be open, how many tracks set if any, and how thick the base will be. What I can say is we will do the best we can with what we have to work with.

More snow needed

more snow needed
more snow needed

Angela went out today for a ski with Spanky on the Dog Trails.  Enough snow to glide but more is needed to groom and  open. It looks like John Dee is calling for significant snow this week.

No Snow yet

We have not received any snow yet, and are not open for skiing. It looks like we have a  chance of getting going this weekend Friday/Saturday but this is just based on the forecast. We will keep you posted now on a daily basis as the weather changes.

The Ski Shop will continue its sale this Friday and Saturday from 9-4.