Angela went out today for a ski with Spanky on the Dog Trails. Enough snow to glide but more is needed to groom and open. It looks like John Dee is calling for significant snow this week.
A full service ski touring center located on over 1100 scenic acres of varied terrain along the Montreal River in Ironwood Michigan.
We have not received any snow yet, and are not open for skiing. It looks like we have a chance of getting going this weekend Friday/Saturday but this is just based on the forecast. We will keep you posted now on a daily basis as the weather changes.
The Ski Shop will continue its sale this Friday and Saturday from 9-4.
ABR will be opening its ski shop this Saturday from 9-4 CST. All non sale merchandise will be 10% off. Sale prices are in bold, otherwise take 10% off listed prices. Here is our current equipment list.
We received about 4-6 inches of snow today! It was enough to get the groomers out and test them out but we decided not to groom the trail system. There were too many branches bent over from the heavy wet snow, these will spring back up as the snow melts. The forecast is calling for warmer temps for next week.