Wednesday…(Hilltop House is open for the Weekend)

We are back to excellent skiing with the cold temps and the 8-10 inches of new snow! We are grooming 55 k and skiing about 40 km today. We hope to be skiing all 70 k by the weekend. The warm temps put alo tof water in the Montreal River that is our West boundary. When the River Floods it makes slush in a few areas such as Sulos Loop, the Highlands entranceĀ and a 4 foot stretch of Jack Pine. The Highlands entrance is freezing tonight we packed the Highlands today and it is is great shape other than the entrance. The Sulos section and Jack pine should be frozen by Friday. We are skiing on 40 km today that is in excellent shape and can be skied with your best race skis (12 inches of base). He hope to have another 30 k open for the weekend!DSC02243DSC02240
