sorry for the delay, Crasher and pig heart took both Pisten Bullies out and groomed 51 k of trails. It was very good skiing on the groomed trails the trails groomed up well and skied well., we are suggesting the classic only for the flat sections, jack pine, jack flats.
the camp forest spring group was here on their annual trek and outing, they had a group of 19 young adults building quinsies and skiing. What a great team building experience. Check out the quinces on Popple flats and river trail.
2 Pisten Bullies out at 5 or 6 tommorow morning again.
30% off in the ski shop, season passes discounted on sale and ….Suffolk Street Eatery is taking orders through Friday night at 7 pm. Order your lunch for delivery Saturday to ABR Ski trails .906-285-7138