Saturday 6 pm report

not sure if this a grooming blog /report or ski conditions report…I treat it as both.

I want say skiing was one of the best days of the season as reported by skiers at the trailhead, fresh snow groomed, snow hanging on the conifers, no wind, sunny sky, 18 degrees. Lots of happy skiers today.

The groom team groomed up all 90+ k of trails today, we had 2 groomers running ahead with drags cutting 20 or more trees and major limbs from the high winds and snowstorm yesterday, then a single track groomer hitting all the single tracks and the 2 Pisten Bullies powertilling the rest of the trail system…trails are in great shape and should be for another 2 weeks.

Ski shop sale continues, 30 % off in the front room, clothing, wax, gloves,hats and ski boots, and 20% off and more in the back with skis and poles. We are selling some rental skis and boots and poles as well and we have rental snow shoes at blow out prices.

Both Pisten Bullies heading back out in the early morning!