I cannot say how fun it was to see all our skier friends on the trail and in the ski cabin. I got an earlier start this morning with the larger Pisten Bully and groomed up a few k before 6 AM when the crew came in. The cold temps last night to the single digits froze up many of the wet spots. I was able to widen and blade in snow in the low areas. I groomed basically all of old ABR combo trails with the PB again today. The rest of the grooming crew focused on the classics and tracked most of them. after coffee break we went back out as a team of 4 and packed the Highlands which are closed.
Lots of great comments on the new White Pine Classic loop and the new Popple Flats mods and Popple Climb and the revised Peltonen Pass out to Peltonen Pass…much more friendly except the last head wall which can remind you of the old Peltonen Pass out.
Tomorow we are working on grooming the dog trails which are virgin 2 feet of snow.