we had a nice calm weekend of skiing, the trails groomed up great Saturday morning. We groomed about 95 km and it skied well Saturday and Sunday. The Tamarack 2 track has been a favorite this weekend. Temps have dropped from the 20’s which we have been spoiled by but the single digits with low wind and sunshine are very skiable or snowshoe able. The tammarack 2 track is a favorite on cold days….ski to Jason park and light a fire, ski otter slide or wolf tracks or puumala trails all single track wooded out of the wind. Then back to Jason park warm up, have a snack and plan your route back. There are 3 warming cabins along the trails allow you to warm up and have a snack. The warm up cabins are stocked with firewood and the groomers drop off a kindling pack or 2 and matches for starting the fire. They also stock toilet paper for the outhouses. You need to start the fire if someone else hasn’t already and pack out your trash from your snack or lunch.